Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are sent, usually through a browser (eg Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer etc.), from a server (website) to a client (user who surfs the internet).

These files are used to offer site users additional features, such as, for example, e-commerce sites, access to restricted area or knowledge of products in the cart. For this reason, they are often indispensable for the web of a website.

Other cookies are instead responsible for the collection of data for statistical purposes (number of users of the site, language, origin etc.). Others to gather information on user behavior.

What else do you need to know about cookies? This is important!

Cookies that are not part of a website are not always owned by the owner, but may be third-party cookies. In our case, for example, we use a third-party cookie on Google Analytics with anonymised IP (Google Inc.) and a Facebook tool for integration on our site.

Cookies usually collect information anonymously, that is: they can not identify any user even after a treatment (in-depth analysis of the collected data).

Conversely, some cookies may collect sensitive personal data and once treated (analyzed) be able to identify a user. Cookies that collect sensitive data are subject to current European legislation on the protection of personal data (EU Regulation No. 679 of 2016).

To use cookies that collect sensitive data, the site owner is bound to respect the right of users. The consent is expressed through a banner that notifies the presence of cookies and refers to an extended information.

What cookies are used on our site?

On our site we use:

– Third-party cookies (Google Analytics with anonymized IP (Google Inc.)).

Cookie name: _ga _gat _gid
Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool from Google, which helps website owners understand how users interact with the content on the site. The data collected by Google Analytics Cookies do not provide personal information about individual users. The integration of these cookies within our site is reserved for anonymization of the IP address. For a detailed explanation on Google Analytics cookies and anonymization of IP addresses, we refer to the following pages of Google support:

Ip AnonymizationPolicy Google Analytics Place of Processing: USA – Privacy Policy Google

– Third-party cookies for the integration of our Facebook page

For more information Facebook Cookie Policy

– Technical cookies (anonymous) to manage any access to the reserved area of ​​the site.

None of the cookies on our site collect sensitive personal data. However, for greater transparency towards our users, third-party cookies present within the site are subject to preventive block and will be activated only with the explicit consent of the user, through a special banner.

How to remove cookies and surf anonymously?

Not everyone knows that you can remove and disable cookies through your browser settings. For more information on cookies’ opt-out on their browsers, you can consult the following guides:

ChromeFirefoxInternet ExplorerOperaSafari

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